House of Torment

The House of Torment is one of the most horrifying events I’ve ever been to. I went twice last year, but the most recent time was last Sunday. There are three houses and in my opinion the first one is the scariest and longest. Most of the scarers are just teens who get lots of makeup, but there are some props like a giant snake mouth that comes towards you. The scariest monsters have to be the ones with a chainsaw chasing after you. My group was Grayson, Blake, Jack, Lauren, and Madison. We rode one of my friends buses that is green with orange flames along the side. Everyone was scared out of their mind, but since I’ve gone before I wasn’t as scared thankfully. Have y’all ever been to the House of Torment?

Westlake Pit

Two Words: CRAZY PEOPLE!!  Every Westlake football home game all of the Hill Country and West Ridge Middle Schoolers go to the “pit” to watch the game, meet with friends, and pig out. I usually sit on the bleachers, talk, and watch Westlake smother the opposing team. I usually try to attend every game. It’s my favorite thing to do school related. What is your favorite thing to do in school?