My Phone

My phone… I mean, what would I do without it? I guess there is a benefit from not having it, but I wouldn’t be able to live without it. From texting to gaming to music, my phone holds fun for an eternity.

For example, without my phone, I would most likely have ended up in the back of a white van with “an endless amount of candy.” I wouldn’t have been able to contact my parents or 911 when I see something strange like kidnappers. Even fires or a natural disaster could get deadly fast. Say my mom forgot to tell me that there was chicken in the oven and a timer goes off– I have no idea what that is for, for all I know it could be time for me to do my homework. Trust me, you never want to leave a little innocent kid–especially me– without a cell phone.

Also, from a teens point of view, without my phone, I wouldn’t be able to play games or– you know– take selfies. Usually, when I get home, I don’t immediately start my homework. I take about 30 minutes right when I get off the bus to play on the xbox or on my phone. I couldn’t survive if, when I got home I had to go straight to doing homework all the way up until dinner. That would be absolutely miserable. No teen could survive without games.

Yes, I know phones help me stay on task, but what is the fun in life if all I have to do is stay on task. Phones are the definition of Ben.

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